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Criminology and Criminal Justice Faculty


DeVere D. Woods Jr., Ph.D.
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HH 206; (812) 237-2190

Michigan State University; Criminal Justice; December 1997
Director of School of Criminology and Security Studies, Chair, Professor, and Director of the Institute of Criminology, 1999
Teaching assignments include Law Enforcement , Criminal Justice, Criminal Investigation, and Criminalistics. 研究和出版兴趣包括社区警务, Police Management and Administration, and Policy Implementation.

Arif Akgul, Ph.D.
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HH 235; (812) 237-2370

Washington State University; Criminal Justice; May 2007
Associate Professor, 2018
教学和研究兴趣包括情报分析, population migration, travel security, law enforcement, drug policy, GIS, and cybersecurity.
Avdi Avdi Avdija, Ph.D.
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HH 242; (812) 237-9652
Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Criminology; May 2010
Professor, 2010
Teaching assignments include Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice, Criminal Investigation, Criminalistics, Techniques of Interviewing and Interrogation, and Crime Analysis. 研究和出版兴趣包括警察政策问题, Evidence-Based Policing, and Crime Analysis.
Shannon-4 Nov. 09.jpg Shannon M. Barton, Ph.D.
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HH 240; (812) 237-8332
University of Cincinnati; Criminal Justice; August 2000
Professor, 2002.
教学任务包括社区矫正, Research Methods, and Criminological Theory. 研究和出版兴趣包括青少年司法和犯罪问题, Correctional Programming, Correctional Officer Job Satisfaction, Court Improvement, Intermediate Sanctions, Gangs, and Homicides. Curriculum Vita
Travis Travis Behem, M.S.
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HH 214; (812) 237-2196
Indiana State University 2006
Instructor, Academic Advisor, 2013
教学任务包括犯罪学概论, 刑事司法bc菠菜导航人员报告写作和警务导论.  其他重点领域是犯罪学和安全研究学院系列演讲, Recruiting, Marketing, School Newsletter and the Criminology Career Fair.​
decker.jpg Lisa Kay Decker, J.D. 
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HH 212; (812) 237-2200

Indiana University School of Law; Doctor of Jurisprudence; May 1985
Associate Professor, 1995.
教学任务包括执法、法院与刑法和法律与社会.   Research and publication interests include Criminal Law, Decision making processes in the Courts, 警务人员甄选及执法教育/训练.
Gilligan Christian Gallagher, Ph.D.
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HH 227; 812-237-8832
Indiana State University
Assistant Professor
Robert Girod Robert Girod, Ph.D.
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HH 227; 812-237-2441
Assistant Professor, 2019
Post-Doctoral Executive Program Certificate, Leadership in the 21st Century, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.),犯罪学和公共管理,联合学院和大学.
Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.), Law, Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School.
grimes.jpg Jennifer N. Grimes, Ph.D.
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HH 232; (812) 237-2441;

Arizona State University; Justice Studies; May 2007
Associate Professor, 2006.
教学任务包括批改、研究方法和理论.  研究和出版领域包括:惩教与量刑,媒体 & Justice, and Punishment & Social Control.
hartsock Gary Hartsock, M.S.
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HH 219; (812) 237-2195
Indiana State University
Instructor. Academic Advisor 2013
教学任务包括基于机构和基于社区的矫正, Correctional Counseling, and Correctional Administration.
Murray Jennifer L. Murray, Ph.D.
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HH 231; (812) 237-3006
Arizona State University; Justice and Social Inquiry; May 2011
Associate Professor, 2011
Teaching assignments include Serial Killers, Research Methods, Ethics in Criminal Justice, Dynamics in Crime and Delinquency Behavior, and Individuals, Societies and Justice. Research and publication interests include, Mass and Serial Murder, The Origins of Violent Crime and Social Deviancy, and The Psychology of Identity. She has lectured about her work in the U.S., U.K., and Europe. Additionally, she has analyzed, consulted, 并就多起谋杀案接受了国内外的采访. 她是调查探索频道(ID)电视剧《bc菠菜导航》(Evil Kin)几集的专家评论员. 最近,她在苏格兰斯特林大学(Stirling University)教授一门课程,比较美国和欧洲的经济状况.S. 以及英国大规模杀戮的普遍性、枪支法律、医疗保健和欺凌行为.
polizzi.jpg David Polizzi, Ph.D. 
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HH 239; (812) 237-3437

Duquesne University; Psychology; December 2002
Professor, 2005.
Teaching assignments include Correctional Counseling, Techniques of Correctional Interviewing, Criminology, Correctional Group Therapy and Report Writing. 主要研究和出版领域包括:矫正咨询与康复、种族与罪犯的社会建构.
Frank Franklin T. Wilson, Ph.D.
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HH 230; (812) 237-2199

Sam Houston State University; Criminal Justice; August 2006
Associate Professor, 2008
Dr. 威尔逊的研究和出版兴趣都集中在提高公众对关键刑事司法问题的认识上.  他通过混合犯罪学来进行研究, historical, and communications research techniques.  他的研究和出版兴趣特别包括围绕大规模监禁和惩罚的问题,以及媒体对市政警察的描述. Dr. 威尔逊目前正在研究并撰写一本关于美国最大的监狱墓地的书.  其他研究领域和出版兴趣包括岛屿监狱的历史,种族 & Socioeconomic Class Issues, Public & Prison Health Issues, and Death Penalty Issues. 他的研究发表在《bc菠菜导航》、《bc菠菜导航》等主要期刊上 & Criminal Justice, Race & 以及《bc菠菜导航》杂志.  Additionally, 他的研究在包括《bc菠菜导航》在内的许多新闻媒体上都有报道, Pittsburg Gazette, Houston Chronicle, and U.S. Catholic. He is the author of 犯罪与媒介研究:方法、媒介和传播的多样性.
Dr. 威尔逊曾与包括国家受害者研究所在内的许多机构合作, 德克萨斯州精神和医疗障碍罪犯问题律师, and United States Probation and Pretrial Services. He was the Founding Chair of the International Crime, 媒体与大众文化研究会议(2008-2014). He is a featured expert for the Crime and Justice Research Alliance and a member of the Board of Directors for CRIMCAST这是一个在线播客,主要关注当前的刑事司法问题. He also serves on the Advisory Board for the Center for Media and Celebrity Studies.
James Archer

James W. Archer, D.C.J.
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California University of Pennsylvania, 2020
Teaching assignments: Court Systems, Community Corrections, Law Enforcement, Corrections, Probation/Parole.

David Chambers David A. Chambers, M.S.
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Indiana State University
Doucette-Lunstrum Mary Ellen Doucette-Lunstrum, J.D.
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Western Michigan, Thomas M. Cooley Law School,
Lecturer, 2015.
Teaching assignments include Courts, Ethics, Juvenile Delinquency, Correctional Report Writing, and Introduction to Criminal Justice.
Houston, Jamie.jpg James Houston, M.S.
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Indiana State University
morgan.jpg Matthew J. Morgan, M.S.
Indiana State University
Pitt.jpg Eloise Pitt, M.P.A.
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Kentucky State University
Lecturer. Academic Advisor, 2007
教学作业包括《bc菠菜导航》, Correctional Institutions, Community Based Corrections, and Juvenile Delinquency.

Tamara McCollough
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Indiana State University
Tamara自2006年以来一直在刑事司法领域工作.  She has worked as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher, 认证经理和bc菠菜导航警察局的执法人员.  塔玛拉毕业于印第安纳州普莱恩菲尔德的印第安纳州执法学院基础班06-167.  Tamara目前担任cleery合规中尉.  Tamara是国际校园执法管理人员认证评估员协会. 塔玛拉也是犯罪学和刑事司法系的讲师. 
Research Interests:
The use of Technology as an investigative tool, Clery Act law enforcement’s obligations, 社会人口统计和对犯罪数据峰值的影响, 遏制警察不当行为的政策影响, 建立包容性执法机构的招聘策略, and report writing as an aid to successful prosecutions.



School of Criminology and Security Studies