Honors College

A female student with straight blonde hair stands in a laboratory room, wearing a white lab coat. She holds a long syringe. Beakers are on the table.

Contact Us

Honors College

Greg Bierly, Dean
Indiana State University
Pickerl Hall, Room 110
Phone: 812-237-3225
Fax: 812-237-3676
Email: Gregory.Bierly@asgar-sev.com

Enrich your learning and expand your global perspective in the Indiana State University Honors College.


Apply to the Honors College


The Honors College at Indiana State University offers classes and experiences to enrich students’ education, 拓展他们的全球视野和文化视野, and prepare them for advanced academic work and rewarding professional careers.

荣誉学生参加了一个小核心, powerful classes, led by committed faculty who are passionate about their disciplines and dedicated to helping students learn, grow, and achieve.

有玻璃窗的砖房. 左边是停车场,前面是绿树.

By the Numbers

Mission & Vision

荣誉学院的使命是为成绩优异的学生提供一个支持性和激励性的环境. 这个学术社区的特色是跨学科课程,由专门的教师教授,并在ISU和其他地方提供课外经验, 包括研究的机会, leadership, community engagement, and study abroad. 完成这项任务的是:

  • 挑战和支持荣誉学生,让他们接触创新的方法和不同的观点,以便为他们提供面对复杂的多学科问题的技能和信心;
  • 促进智力交流和思想交流, 课堂内外;
  • 为主动性提供机会, leadership, and service through experiential learning and community involvement;
  • Encouraging cross-cultural experiences that expand awareness and deepen understanding of the world.


以毕生的热情来培养学生, who are able to apply critical thought and imagination in their professional lives and as global citizens.


要做到包容性卓越,意味着要超越多样性作为一种代表性的练习,而要定期检查和处理组织文化, structures, policies, and practices impact equity and belonging for the members of a community.

我们重视构成和代表bc菠菜导航和特雷霍特社区的个人和团体. 我们重视一个所有人, from all levels, can participate, contribute, and have a voice. 我们重视倾听的力量,以及当我们敞开心扉听取他人意见时所创造的机会. We value our charge and the stewardship it represents to all in our community. We value YOU!

我们设想一个大学社区,反映印第安纳州的人口和国家对学生的尊重, faculty, support staff and administration and that transcends social and structural barriers to equality. 我们还设想一个大学社区,了解实现这一目标的必要条件,并理解为什么这样的目标是有益的.



Pickerl Hall and Burford Hall are the primary Honors residence halls for incoming Honors students. Honors students are not required to live in Honors housing; however, 选择住在荣誉生活学习社区,让荣誉学生有机会与荣誉学院不同bc菠菜导航的同学建立友谊和组成学习小组. Returning Honors students are invited to live on an Honors floor in 500 Wabash, 哪个学校离校园一个街区远. 500沃巴什大学荣誉学生进入第二届, third, 在ISU的第四年有机会继续与其他荣誉学生住在一个公寓式的宿舍里,有私人卧室和家具齐全的客厅和厨房. Most apartments have four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms.


  • 与其他优等生住在一起或周围
  • 每层楼都有一名荣誉居民助理(RA)
  • Private bathrooms
  • Central air conditioning
  • Quiet hours on each floor
  • 地板休息室学习和闲逛
  • 荣誉活动的编程空间
  • 从大多数教学楼步行不远

For more information, including floor plans, please visit the Residential Life website: Pickerl Hall  •  Burford Hall  •  500 Wabash 

The Honors Council is a student organization that primarily focuses on planning social and philanthropic events. Honors Council members are elected leaders and also serve as representatives of the Honors student body.  荣誉委员会章程 (PDF)

The Honors Peer Mentors 荣誉学院有经验的学生会指导一年级荣誉学生适应bc菠菜导航的生活吗. 每个即将入学的荣誉学生都与一名同侪导师联网, who will offer advice, answer questions, and be a friendly face on campus as you transition into the ISU community. The Honors Peer Mentors are involved in numerous organizations on campus and also with the Honors College, 所以他们知道第一手的是什么是一个积极进取的学生, take Honors classes, live on campus, study abroad, and effectively balance time between school and extra-curricular commitments. 


荣誉学院定期与就业中心合作,提供帮助你为未来做准备的课程. 我们与就业中心合作,提供互动研讨会, 专为优等生设计, to help you write a résumé, prepare for interviews, 了解研究生院的资源, apply for internships, 与bc菠菜导航人士建立联系. ISU的职业教练每周也在Pickerl Hall大厅举行办公时间,欢迎荣誉学生前来咨询有关薪资或求职问题的帮助.



GH 401荣誉论文经验旨在:

  • 为您提供重要的研究经验
  • 使你能够展示你的研究能力
  • 完成你的荣誉学院课程, linking elements of the Honors coursework with your larger degree program and/or interests.
  • 为bc菠菜导航写作做好准备, presentation and research activities and/or for graduate or professional school requirements.



蒂米全球健康是一家非营利性组织,致力于扩大医疗保健的可及性,应对全球医疗保健挑战. As members of the ISU chapter, Honors students have the opportunity to enroll in GH 301:全球医疗保健挑战 了解发展中国家的医疗保健差距,并参加厄瓜多尔医疗服务之旅. 


望着飞机窗外, cascading, vibrant mountains covered in brilliant green forestry rose above the white, animated clouds. The sight was breath taking and offered the grandest welcome I have ever received. 最重要的是,冒险才刚刚开始. We were greeted at the airport with typical Guatemalan hospitality, “Buenos Tardes! Bienviendo a Guatemala!翻译过来就是下午好,欢迎来到危地马拉! The 12 of us, 10名荣誉学生和2名荣誉校友, 然后被拖进一辆小型货车,在拥挤的城市道路上疾驶,最终通往圣米格尔·埃斯科瓦尔, 这个小镇距离危地马拉城一小时车程.


圣米格尔埃斯科瓦尔是一个小的农业社区,位于多山和火山的山谷中. 圣米格尔埃斯科瓦尔不仅拥有一些最美丽的景色, 还有德拉琴特的位置, 我们这周合作的非营利组织. De La Gente, 翻译过来就是“来自人民?,” works with a cooperative of coffee farmers and offers “opportunity in every bean.” They ensure the fair trading of coffee amongst the farming community, 提供财务资源和产品的全球运输, as well as the opportunity to educate the outside world of what it takes to go from bean to cup. 我们的第一个机会就是去体验!

这是我们8天探险的第一天, 我们在当地农民的咖啡田里开始了我们的早晨,就像危地马拉农民每天所做的那样. A typical day of the farmer starts between 4 and 6am and ends at 3pm with a small break for lunch. By the end of this day, a typical farmer can pick 100 plus pounds of beans. We started much later than the typical farmer, and we did not exactly reach the quota. We were given a basket that the farmers generally use to hold the picked beans. 农民们通常在半小时内把篮子装满. 我们大多数的篮子还没有装满一半, but collectively we filled one basket and were able to process it just like the farmers. Picking the beans was followed by placing them in a processor to pull the beans from the “cherry” casing. The beans then were placed on a drying bed and would be dried for about 3 weeks. We then had the opportunity to grind, brew, and taste coffee along with the farmers.

在这一周剩下的时间里,我们将有机会与农民并肩工作,共同开展有利于他们咖啡生产的项目. 我们主要和咖啡合作社的总裁合作, Timo, and under his direction we were able to build a rainwater collection tank. 我们用煤渣砖和水泥建造的水箱将使该地区的许多农民受益,因为他们不必从农场所在的陡峭火山上拖上几加仑的水,就可以给咖啡作物浇水. 农民们通常要步行两个小时才能到达农场, often times carrying their crops down the hill after their work day is over. 在我们和提莫一起研究火山的时候, 农民背上驮着庄稼,沿着崎岖的地形往回走,这并不罕见. 因为我们时间紧迫, we got to take a safari-type truck ride up the one lane dirt path to reach our worksite.

我们的雨水收集罐大约花了2天的时间才完成, and the following day we built 10 drying beds for a farmer in the cooperative. 还是在提莫的指挥下, we were able to build what the farmer would use to dry his coffee beans out of 4 by 4 boards, black fabric, and tubing. With the new drying beds, the farmer would no longer be required to dry his coffee beans on his roof. 如果没有咖啡社区的人,我们在那里完成的服务是不可能的. De La Gente确保那些花时间为农民服务的人不是在为他们工作, but with them. 确保社区和团队支持的意识将得到落实,以便使各方都感到受到重视. Hence, 我们完成的服务更多是为了学习农民的生活方式,以便对一杯咖啡的工作获得更高的尊重.

而我们的旅途却满是咖啡, we also had the opportunity to explore and better come to embrace the beautiful country of Guatemala. 我们游览了历史名城安提瓜, 参观古老的玛雅仪式场地, 在阿提特兰湖度过一个阳光明媚的下午, a beautiful, 火山环绕的蓝色湖泊. 这是我们能遇到的危地马拉最珍贵的地方, however, had to be the numerous community members that offered us places at their tables. Every night we were welcomed into the home of a farmer for a delicious, 危地马拉传统晚餐. 我们能够听到农民的故事, meet their families, 感觉好像我们是他们社区的一部分. 试图做玉米饼, 克服语言障碍,尝试新食物, 我们遇到的每个人都鼓励我们像他们一样享受他们美丽的国家和文化. 在2000多英里之外的地方却感觉像在家里,这很奇怪.

Working with De La Gente in Guatemala offered so many new experiences, as well as new perspective on what it means to be a conscious consumer. 就在我们起飞前, 我们的导游罗纳德给我们留下了鼓舞人心的话,告诉我们在改变世界之前,我们必须先改变自己. 他说,我们是为现在而带来改变的, 我们需要意识到我们所做的选择, more importantly, 我们的决定如何影响他人. Being a conscious consumer is the first step to being aware of the impact that we are leaving. 购买商品和服务的公平贸易, 了解你的产品来自哪里, and what the companies you are purchasing from are supporting will not only impact you, 甚至会影响到我在危地马拉结交的许多新朋友. 做一个有意识的消费者可能意味着多花几美元, but what you will be supporting cannot be limited to a monetary value. 通过意识到我们的决定,我们可以带来改变. 这种改变可以从购买一杯公平贸易咖啡的简单行为开始,因为我知道一些了不起的农民会感谢你的.

——jenna Ford,英语教学bc菠菜导航

阿莱西亚·马雷罗(Alethia Marrero)在印度留学,爱上了他们的文化,以及它教给她的关于全球化和社会正义的一切. This opportunity opened her eyes to seeing the connection between business, politics, 社会公正与科技. 她觉得自己在bc菠菜导航成为了一名知识分子,并对自己在bc菠菜导航四年中获得的经验和知识心存感激."


Remote video URL


即将入学的新生可能会竞争bc菠菜导航的各种奖学金(包括总统奖学金和大学荣誉奖学金)。, 是由国际滑联奖学金办公室颁发的吗. 荣誉学院还提供了一些奖项,以帮助当前的荣誉学生在大二期间, junior, or senior year.
